Costs and Oversight

If the Proposed  Bond Measure Passes, What Would it Cost?

The District estimates that the proposed $110 million bond, if passed, would cost taxpayers $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

Taxpayers in the Scappoose School District currently pay a bond rate of $1.41 per thousand of assessed value. Proposed Measure 5-296, if passed this November, would be an additional tax over what property owners in the Scappoose School District are currently paying. The District estimates that the proposed $110 million bond, if passed, would cost taxpayers an additional $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed property value for a bond term of 31 years. A property owner with an average assessed home value of $247,748 would pay an additional $25.19 per month or $302.25 per year over what they are currently paying.

It's important to note that voters approve an overall bond value, not a rate, which may fluctuate based on the number of assessed properties in the district boundaries. If more properties are built, the new property owners will assist in the repayment of the bond.

State Matching Funds

If passed, the State of Oregon would award a matching funds grant of $4 million to help fund bond projects. The District would only receive the grant if the bond measure passes.


An independent citizen Bond Oversight Committee would be established to oversee the use of bond funds if the proposed bond measure passes.

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